Pro manažery podniků ale i "manažery" svých vlastních životů
O tom, co se nám děje v hlavě nevíme skoro nic. Naše vědomí, náš obraz o sobě i o světě kolem nás vzniká v našem mozku. Umíme s ním pracovat? Umíme s ním žít? A umíme vyjít vstříc mozku lidí kolem nás, aby se nám dohromady snadněji žilo?

Víc o tom, kde jste se to ocitli, se dočtete v úvodním slově a svou cestu zkuste hledat na záložce Jak se tu orientovat.

slepené z materiálů Wikipedia o frenologii (dnes už jednoznačně zařazené mezi pavědy, ale přitom tak krásně ilustrativní!)

neděle 21. listopadu 2010

Impact of Disturbing Interactions to Thinking Efficiency and Employee Performance in the Workplace

>> Final Module 1 Assignment - Neuroscience of Leadership - Decision Making and Problem Solving <<

1.   Introduction

Most of the managers have little or no knowledge about how to manage emotions in the workplace. Their approach is usually just the intuitive common sense one, based on their general experience from their life interactions with other people.
They have not enough knowledge even to realize that it is them who could influence the impacts of emotions (primarily of the negative ones) on human mental performance. This paper shows where an undesirable increase of the emotions typically originates and discusses its impacts on work efficiency in the workplace.
To make my conclusion more solid I will support them by bringing together relevant findings of neuroscience. At the final part of the paper, I will propose possible measures to be introduced in the workplace to change the negative impacts on productivity.
The paper is focusing on the situations which I was recognizing very often at my clients and even when I was managing people in organizational units or in project teams. After collecting some knowledge from neuroscience in the past 1.5 years, I wish I had known more about our brain functionality when I was in top management positions!